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James Brown
JoinedPosts by James Brown
What Music have you Been Listening to this Last Year ? Post You tubes if you Like !
by flipper in
James Brown
What Makes Someone Become a JW?
by minimus inmy excuse is that i was born in the religion.
but if someone wasn’t, why would they become one?.
James Brown
I was born in in 1952.
My mother was a JW my father was not. I always figured my mother was not quite right.
I will say this, in here defense, back in the 50's there was not information available like today. You only had 3 tv channels and they signed off at midnight.
And my mother finally saw the light and left the cult in the 90's. After the damage was done to my family.
What Would You Yearn For From The Good Old Days?
by minimus in2017 and the world is probably more advanced than ever before.
prices are high for homes, food and comfort.
wars seem to rage everywhere!.
James Brown
I am happy with things today.
What I yearn for is lower gas prices, and utilities, Phone, electric. Lower grocery prices. Higher wages and more bang for the buck.
I wouldn't want to go back unless I had a couple of million dollars to profit off of knowing the future with.
The times were simpler back in the 50's 60's and 70's but it appears I was dumber. No technology only 3 channels on TV.
Do you (or did you) have much of a social life as a Jehovahs Witness.
by UnshackleTheChains ini ask this question out of interest, because as a jehovahs witness for some 26 years, i have always felt that there is an 'all work, no play' culture within the organisation.
the organisation doesn't promote social gatherings.
i could count on one hand each year how many get togethers we have had.
James Brown
I was a married witness in the early 70's. During that time I had a very social life. Get togethers, parties, going out to dinner with friends and playing games and drinking on the weekends.
But, it wasn't the truth. Not even close. So, all things must change.
I don't miss it at all, I have been on to new and better things.
I couldn't spend my whole life eating, drinking partying and listening to bullshxt.
Chapter 47 New Boy 50 years a Watchtower slave
by new boy inchapter 47. eleven out of one thousand.
even though i said i can’t do it anymore, it’s not like i had a plan of any kind.
i didn’t want out of the marriage just out of the religion.
James Brown
I enjoyed reading your story.
Are there any KH in Israel????
by James Mixon incurious , i was thinking about serving where the need is great..that would be a hard sale, that would be like me setting up a lemonade stand at the gate of a kkk rally...
Anyone go on a cruise?
by NewYork44M injust finished a 7-day cruise from nyc on norwegian cruise line (ncl- gem).
this is my first cruise in 30 years, so my past experience does not count.. overall, a great experience.
ncl does a great job.
James Brown
I have taken two Norwegian cruises in the past 5 years. Out of Tampa and Miami to the Caribbean and Mexico, Belize, Honduras. They were very nice experiences. They were 7 day cruises. The down side is 7 days of eating anything and everything one wants leads to a weight gain. Eating and drinking are a big part of my taking a 7 day cruise.
I am very food and alcohol orientated. They also have shows preformed and live music in various spots. And you can purchase excursions in various ports.
We had a balcony on each trip. I don't know if I would enjoy it as much without one.
We bought our tickets from Norwegian. When you are on the cruise they offer and sell credits towards the next cruise.
Go on the Norwegian website and inquire about a cruise you are interested in. Maybe within a few weeks they will send you vouchers or discounts to entice you.
A lot of people here in Florida also take the carnival cruise lines.
Do You Think Jehovah's Witnesses Are Typically Ignorant People?
by minimus ini think most witnesses are simple minded.many are ignorant.
there are a lot of basically "good people "in the religion but i believe many are kind of dumb, including many elders.
do you agree with my thoughts??
James Brown
Ignorant is described as a lack of knowledge also being unaware.
People who deliberately ignore or disregard important facts.
The organization encourages disregarding important facts.
So I will conclude that JW's are deliberately and willfully ignorant.
Some of them are happy in their ignorant bliss like pigs in their slop being bred for the slaughter.
The slaughter of total disappointment.
Having been born in 65 years ago and observing family and friends dying,
Many of them just die and never know they were used and abused.
So I guess in some respects and for some being a JW is nirvana on Earth.
But it wasn't for me. I had to much curiosity and couldn't stomach the hypocrisy and living the lie.
Henry Ford said "thinking is the hardest work there is which is why so few engage in it."
Not being ignorant requires thinking and JW's are happy not to.
They will think and memorize how to overcome objections but they will not think about how to escape their prison. Probably because most of them do not think they are in prison. They are happy.
When they become unhappy enough about being a JW they will begin to think of ways to escape.
That moment for me came in 1983. I was a JW from 1952 to 1983, 31 years.
Then the JW prison became too uncomfortable for me and I had to start thinking of ways to escape.
I had to stop being ignorant. I had to search for and embrace what I did not know.
What are your beliefs now, religious/non religious?
by Jules Saturn inwhat are your convictions now that you are no longer one of jehovah's witnesses?
are you a born again christian?
have you joined another denomination of christianity?
James Brown
I was born and raised a JW. I started my escape January 1976. I am 65. I don't like conventional labels. I consider myself an observer. I observer and report to my higher consciousness and then I try to process the info.
I enjoy listening to both sides and making notes.
I believe we all pay taxes and we all die.
I believe everything will work out in the end.
why jw's commit suicide?
by notalone inwe all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
James Brown
I would say JW's commit suicide for the same reason other people commit suicide. They can not stand the emotional pain any more. All throughout my Adult life, from time to time I would think life was too much trouble.
And my stinking thinking would always lead back to the Kingdom Hall and Jehovah's Witnesses.
But then I would read about how to deal with suicidal thoughts and get through it.
Depression is a temporary thing, suicide is a permanent thing.
I suspect based on the number of books, I have read that there are a lot of ways to deal with suicidal thoughts so I will not list them here. Some may be too controversial for this crowd.
If you are too depressed to read a book and follow the directions then, you need to dial 911 and most likely they will put you on the road to overcoming your depression.
Overcoming depression and suicidal thoughts is kind of like dieting, lifting weights, learning a foreign language. The principles to recovery work if you work them.
It takes effort on the depressed ones part. It requires rebuilding your mind and then keeping it properly fueled.